June 24, 2011

Personal Writing: Cosmological Coincidence

See the title above? Well, if you read Raditya Dika’s MMJ you’ll know what it means. Cosmological coincidence atau kebetulan kosmos adalah kebetulan yang dirancang oleh alam semesta. Bagaimana akhirnya dua orang bisa bertemu dan menciptakan sejarah baru adalah suatu kebetulan yang ga akan pernah kita tahu bagaimana awal mulanya. Pada awalnya sih...

June 19, 2011

Personal Writing: Silliness I’ll Miss That Much

11:51 pm got a bad sore throat, can’t close my eyes, my bed doesn’t feel comfort as usually. tryna to remember what happened today, nothing special but I enjoyed it anyway. had a post test today of manufacturing process laboratory at 2 pm. but i did come to campus at 8:30 pm. there was something that forced me to come at that time. well, i thought...

June 12, 2011

Personal Writing: Beginning-Ending Theory

Today, something figured out. Well, actually I knew that. I even experienced it by myself. Its been a long long time but I still remember how it goes. The beginning-ending thingy is the point. Sometimes you hear some say perfect beginning gonna lead to perfect ending. It's not true, sometimes. But most of all, it is not. Sometimes, you see the very...

June 8, 2011

Random: Here You Are, Mr Cold :)

Its already 0:38 am here. I got a bunch of exercises to do but it’s not the right time. I feel, err, lost? No, sometimes I feel like theres a big hole in my heart, doesnt mean my heart got porous. But it feels like I’m losing something but I’m not exactly losing something, physically. Final test day 2 will b held tomorrow but I have no interest...

June 7, 2011