July 21, 2013

Personal Writing: Confession of Jealousy

It has been three days since that thing happened. Since I found out that stuff. So, there is the girl I know. She is on last year of University, majoring Science. She is that kind of average girl. Well, I do not mean 'average' in a negative way. I mean, average like not that kind of popular, glamorous, princess-alike, genius -- type. She is ordinary....

May 19, 2013

January 22, 2013

Personal Writing: You, Who Ruined The List

It was a plain Saturday afternoon. Everything was alright. The sun was shining brightly through the window and the sky was really clear as if rain will never come to visit any moment. And there I was. At one of laboratory room at campus. It was a peaceful day and my feeling was really good. I was standing in front of a notice board while some pals...