December 27, 2011

Favorites: The One That Got Away

Lately Ive been listening to the same song everyday. Well, you saw the title above. The one that got away by Katy Perry. I listened to it and paid so much attention to the lyrics inside. Well, Katy Perry’s song always hit me with the same feeling. Her songs always have the same, what I call, same condition? Whatever. There was always the girl crying,...

December 9, 2011

Personal Writing: Heaven Doesn't Seem Far Away Anymore

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore. That’s part of Ron Pope’s A Drop in the Ocean lyric. Well, and it makes me think like maybe i feel something. I mean, I don’t want to say I’m falling in love or such thing cause I am not. It’s just me, feeling different. Well, a guy, (once again I warn you, I am not falling in love or whatever you called ‘em),...

December 7, 2011

Random: Breaktime Killer

Been so long ya. I very am busy like ppl on wallstreet. Seriously, I’m busy. Doing this, that, everything. Busy like theres no time for me just to take a breath. Okay, its too much. But idk, this time I really want to write something on my blog. Maybe I’m too much interest wit my new acc on tumblr. I kept reblogging and posting everything on it and...

November 1, 2011

Drawing: Summer in Seoul

I tried to sketch the cover of Summer in Seoul by Ilana Tan.  I did it with pen cause I couldn't find any pencil everywhere. But the scanner did good, made it looks like I drew it by pencil. :) p.s: I'll...

When Every Season Have Their Own Story

I read some novel lately. For the truth, I never really love novel written by Indonesian author. Idk why. Then my sister brought all these novels to me. 4 novels. Written by Indonesian author, Ilana Tan. 1st time I found my self impressed by the cover of all these novels. Especially, Summer in Seoul. All these books have story that connected each other....

September 17, 2011

Personal Writing: Lost

Lost. People lost things everyday. Some never got it back, but some did. I lost a thing today. My cell phone. Well, mayb it’s not the best phone I ever had.  But I never lost a cell phone before. Idk when it was lost, it’s just lost. Well, mayb its such a warn. I never treat my stuffs well. I left it everywhere I stay. I dropped it to the floor...

August 18, 2011

Personal Writing: Getting Older Beautifully

I’m getting older day by day, like today, I’m officially getting 1 yr older than before. Sad? Lil bit. Happy? REALLY! Idk, I know everybody doesnt want to gettin older (but they do, of course), but gettin older for me means so deep. I gain more trust and responsibility. It is not that bad, you know. Do not see thing from only a side, you’re not a kid....

August 17, 2011


August, 17th Today is the independence day of the country where I’ve been stayed since 18 yrs ago. Indonesia. An archipelago country in South East Asia. Indonesia has so many natural resources but yeah, not the human resources. Well, we’re famous with that statement. But it’s been 66 yrs, don’t we want to change the statement? Don’t we tired of listening...

August 11, 2011

Favorites: The Remains of The Day

I just read a novel. Written by Kazuo Ishiguro, well, I first found out about him after I watched a movie titled Never Let Me Go that apparently wa based on a novel by him with the same title. Its perfect! I mean, The Remains...

July 23, 2011

Personal Writing: BEST DAY

Best day. People explain best day in so many ways. Some say best day is when they got a new job, or when they got such a promotion. Some say best day is the day when they meet half of their life, when it comes to the time for saying single vow of the marriage that theyve been dreamin of. Some say best day is day when they were one sec close enough...

July 16, 2011

Favorites: The Holiday

“I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that,...

July 11, 2011

July 7, 2011

July 3, 2011

June 24, 2011

Personal Writing: Cosmological Coincidence

See the title above? Well, if you read Raditya Dika’s MMJ you’ll know what it means. Cosmological coincidence atau kebetulan kosmos adalah kebetulan yang dirancang oleh alam semesta. Bagaimana akhirnya dua orang bisa bertemu dan menciptakan sejarah baru adalah suatu kebetulan yang ga akan pernah kita tahu bagaimana awal mulanya. Pada awalnya sih...

June 19, 2011

Personal Writing: Silliness I’ll Miss That Much

11:51 pm got a bad sore throat, can’t close my eyes, my bed doesn’t feel comfort as usually. tryna to remember what happened today, nothing special but I enjoyed it anyway. had a post test today of manufacturing process laboratory at 2 pm. but i did come to campus at 8:30 pm. there was something that forced me to come at that time. well, i thought...

June 12, 2011

Personal Writing: Beginning-Ending Theory

Today, something figured out. Well, actually I knew that. I even experienced it by myself. Its been a long long time but I still remember how it goes. The beginning-ending thingy is the point. Sometimes you hear some say perfect beginning gonna lead to perfect ending. It's not true, sometimes. But most of all, it is not. Sometimes, you see the very...

June 8, 2011

Random: Here You Are, Mr Cold :)

Its already 0:38 am here. I got a bunch of exercises to do but it’s not the right time. I feel, err, lost? No, sometimes I feel like theres a big hole in my heart, doesnt mean my heart got porous. But it feels like I’m losing something but I’m not exactly losing something, physically. Final test day 2 will b held tomorrow but I have no interest...

June 7, 2011

May 14, 2011

Personal Writing: Thanks God, That Day is Over

I was half sleepy every time it came to an afternoon. I got music played surrounding me. It was Sara Evans. A Little Bit Stronger. I listened to this song and found myself giggle at the lyric. Well, my mind flew over the past time, to the day when this song was like a perfect fit to my days, days when I ended up that thing. I remember, I was worried...

May 8, 2011

May 3, 2011

Favorites: The Ballad of Mona Lisa

'Say what you mean, tell me I'm right.  And let the sun rain down on me.  Give me a sign, I wanna believe' Well, I do really love every song by Panic! at the disco! They're genius in music. The way they play their songs, its kinda strong, gorgeous, smart, and beautiful. And this song, one of their perfections from the album "Vices...

April 22, 2011

Personal Writing: Twelve-minutes Dream: My Breathtaking Man

Entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini aku sering tertidur tiba-tiba dan bermimpi dalam tidur yang sekejap itu. Bukannya aku begadang semalaman sampai aku tertidur di pelajaran kesayanganku atau aku kelebihan asupan karbohidrat saat makan siang sampai-sampai melewatkan penjelasan dosenku tentang pengisian trial balance. Aku tertidur begitu saja, tanpa sebab,...

April 18, 2011

April 17, 2011

Personal Writing: What's Love?

“You’re everyminute of my everyday..” Saat mengatakannya, seolah-olah ia adalah segalanya. Padahal aku tahu, he’s just an ordinary boy. Tapi inilah yang terjadi. Saat sesuatu yang bernama cinta itu datang, everything’s...

Personal Writing: Saat Kita Bukan Lagi Aku dan Kamu

Dari sekian milyar nama yang ada di dunia ini, aku memilih namamu untuk kusimpan di dalam hatiku.  Bukan hanya cinta yang ada di sini. Yang ada di sini lebih dari itu. Yang ada di sini selalu membisikkan nama kita di setiap nafas yang kuhela. Yang ada di sini selalu membuatku sadar di setiap pagi-pagi kelabuku bahwa aku masih memiliki bayangmu...

April 10, 2011

Favorites: 'Never Let Me Go'

“Oh, I don't know what it is but I have feelings for her that I cannot just ignore, my glorious ballet dancer.” - Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro This movie just got me thinking,  that maybe it is love, when...

April 2, 2011

Personal Writing: 1st Time Ever I Cried Like A Baby

1st time ever I cried like a baby was not when I got C on my fave major. Or when I broke up with my bf. Or even when I watched a very sad movie. 1st time ever I cried like a baby is when I sang Can’t Smile Without You in my bed room with the song played through my headphone. I feel like I do really can’t smile without you, mom. Yea, I sang that song...