November 21, 2015

(Netgalley) ARC Review: The Trouble with Destiny by Lauren Morrill

The Trouble with Destiny by Lauren Morrill Rating: /5 *I received digital ARC of this book from Random House Children’s through Netgalley* Genre: YA (Contemporary) Pub. Date: December 8th, 2015 Get a copy here! AMAZON | BOOK...

November 18, 2015

(Netgalley) ARC Review: Did I Mention I Love You (DIMILY #1) by Estelle Maskame

Did I Mention I Love You? by Estelle Maskame Rating: /5 *I received digital ARC of this book from Sourcebooks Fire through Netgalley* Genre: YA (Contemporary) Pub. Date: December 1st, 2015 Get a copy here! AMAZON | BOOK...

November 16, 2015

November 13, 2015

Book Review: The Summer Remains (The Summer Remains #1) by Seth King

The Summer Remains by Seth King Rating: /5 Get a copy here! AMAZON | BOOK DEPOSITORY (CD-Audio) My kindle copy told me that typical time it took to read this book is 6 hours and 42 minutes for 335 pages....

November 12, 2015

Book Review: One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5) by Samantha Young

One King's Way by Samantha Young Rating: /5 Get a copy here! AMAZON | BOOK DEPOSITORY Read also: Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)! ‘Could a realist and a romantic ever work...

November 2, 2015

(Netgalley) ARC Review: Until We Meet Again by Renee Collins

Until We Meet Again by Renee Collins Rating: /5 *I received digital ARC of this book from Sourcebooks Fire through Netgalley* Pub. Date: November 1st, 2015 Get a copy here! AMAZON | BOOK DEPOSITORY The...