
Genre: NA (Contemporary)
Pub. Date: December 3rd, 2015
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River Joshua Kipling changed his name into Captain the year his world turned upside down. Losing the love of his life led him to not only a crushed dream but just entirely crushed everything. When given a choice to continue his life in some eerily dangerous way, Captain grabbed the chance without much consideration. Besides, what would make a better way to get over his past fatal failure than paying it off through some late odd redemption? Captain sought after peace but apparently the path he took only eases an ounce of his everlasting burden; it even stole the last remaining piece of heart he had that to love again was simply no longer possible.
Opening a new restaurant should be the way to leave the dark road behind, but Captain knew it won’t be long before he took off from Rosemary Beach and find the real peace he had never found for years in his own way. His plan eventually met a bump when Rose Henderson came to town to be one of the new servers in his restaurant. Surely Rose was pretty but nothing about her should make any differences to Captain than any other girls, should it? Yet her laugh did. As well as that big determination vibrating from her petite body. It got Captain to abandon his own rule to fall for someone new. But the more he looked through her glasses; he could practically see that behind the gleam of determination there was also a mix of fear, desperation, and hopeful shining off her eyes. Rose hid something; that was for sure. About what, that’s what Captain had to figure out on the limited days he got in town. Captain knew the mystery he was about to unravel would alter his plan, but altered or not, he would never expect to bump with the very thing he tried to forget all those dark years.
I haven’t picked up NA for weeks so I’m really excited to start it again with Abbi Glines’ book. When it came to NA, I could always count on her to get the list all checked. Hidden mystery, fiercely possessive hero, lovable heroine, tear-jerking episodes, melt-my-heart-to-pieces romance, and heartwarming ending; all would be easily found in her books. The Best Goodbye was no different.
Captain’s character came out strong. With a basic knowledge of his hard personality from previous encounter, I found Captain’s narration intriguing when he unraveled the reason he’d lost his heart years ago. He did it by revealing bit by bit information instead of giving away the whole story for us to deal and that’s absolutely an intriguing point the readers couldn’t resist but clinging tightly on. His possessiveness towards what belongs to his only underlined the fierce trait Captain had within. That’s why I thought that the insecurity he was described of having sometimes didn’t quite fit his persona. But still, Captain made a swoonworthy hero, especially that he didn’t have much unnecessary man-drama like Rush or Mase except for his insecurity. Rose’s tough personality made a perfect highlight in Captain’s domineering aura. I liked that Abbi opted for strong heroine this time. After Reese’s insecure-turn-fighter character, it’s great to meet Rose and her bravery. I liked her from the start, and I liked her even more whenever she showed her selfless and devoted side again and again.
Simple Plot, Perfect Delivery
Some flashback scenes of the past were slipped to strengthen the feeling during particular present scenes. I found myself holding back my tears every time I read that part and had to eventually give up at some point. With a basically simple plot, Abbi made a great job hiding what should be hidden and pulled the readers on the edge of their seats wondering what had actually happened on the past. She didn’t necessarily save the mystery to be unraveled on one mind-blowing revelation scene yet when the truth did came out, I could still find myself aching and even crying. The scene was written very well that all the emotions were captured and the moment got me drowning into the sorrow along with the characters.
My Issue(s)
The story went on in fast pace and though I liked it like that, I thought the second half of the book was a bit rushed. There was scene that even if not essentially affected the main story, was obviously omitted. It was done roughly that I couldn’t help but noticing it anyway. I knew it’s not necessary in some ways but still, it bothered me a little that I noticed it.
Final Thought(s)
The ending was perfect! Each character had agreed to come clean and started again on clean slate. I loved the message they delivered through the epilogue: that there would always be bumps coming our way but when you had already set your eyes on your favorite kind of ending, there would be nothing to stop you. Not your pain; it couldn’t define you. Not your mistake; it couldn’t dictate you. The Best Goodbye gives a good romance with enough twists for them who want a read to swoon and cry over.
Next on the Series
There was a promise of the future for the long run that I really wished to see. And also a glimpse of what coming on Rosemary Beach next. God I couldn’t believe it but I actually am excited to read Nan’s story. Maybe it’s because the fact that Abbi would pair her with Major (who I found really charming) or the fact that Abbi could always turn someone hateful worth loving in the end. It could be both.
Love, read, and review,
Cynthia D.
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