December 17, 2014

December 2, 2014

Poetry: Friends We Are (not)

Hello! I recently joined this cool group on Goodreads called ¡ POETRY !  I was mesmerized by the awesome poets there and wanted to join/ruin the awesomeness with my crappy poem (okay, just laugh people, it's fine). I was tempted to submit my poem for December 2014 Goodreads newsletter (this is my second attempt) so I rummaged...

October 20, 2014

Poetry: Time

So, I was inspired to write this poetry by the latest post of my idol Wuyifan on his instagram. It's been a while since he last updated his account so I was kind of hysterical when I first saw it. He only said one word: 'time' and it was enough to drive me insane because.. HELLO? It's been centuries since we, the meigeni, heard about him and here...

May 15, 2014

Personal Writing: A Respect to Decision Makers

People made decisions everyday. Some did it good. Some didn't. Some went through so many things to get into the final decision. Some just had the idea popped up on their minds during shower. I am not different either.  The first ever decision that I made on my own was when I had to choose the major in University. Ever since I was in elementary...

April 7, 2014

Dukung Perbaikan Pendidikan Indonesia Lewat Bisnis Indonesia Writing Contest 2014!

Pagi dunia! Sudah cukup lama tidak posting dalam bahasa (baca: bahasa Indonesia), jadi agak bingung mau menulis dalam bahasa baku atau tidak, ha ha. Sejumlah postingan saya terakhir tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Sebenarnya bukan karena tidak suka menulis dalam bahasa, Tetapi hanya ingin sekedar melancarkan kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa asing. Jadi...

March 6, 2014

Personal Writing: Silly I know, but.....

Do you ever fall in love... So deep that your heart can't stop pounding so fast only by seeing her/his face on the photo for the very first time? So deep that all you could think of what is she/he doing at the moment you think of them even though it was only 1 hour since you first know her/him? So deep that you spent all night reading...

Personal Writing: Me Today: Realization

Dejected feeling I feel all the time I enter a whole new part of my life. I am no longer those girl with reports on my hand running here and there yelling 'deadline-deadline' crazily. I don't chase the campus bus anymore because run out of time. I don't stress, stay up late at night in front of computer, sleep secretly during class, or skip lunch...

January 28, 2014

Personal Writing: I (Wish, I) Met You IRL

Hi! Been a long time, huh? I am not going to make any excuses why I didn't post anything these past several months cause I did reason out often. Lol. I just rummaging some folders on my phone and I found this writing from November last year. I am pretty sure I was about posting it right away after I finished it but apparently did not. So I am thinking...