March 10, 2024

Mini Review: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson


Book and ARC reviews are posted under this feature!
*I own a Paperback Copy of The Book*

Genre: Self Help, Non Fiction
Pub. Date: January 1st, 2016

Visit this review on my Goodreads page here!

I don't know why I picked this book up as my first ever read in 2024. But maybe it's because a part of me wants to read something other than romance for a bit. Or maybe it's because a part of me thinks that I need some self-help considering the circumstances lately. And maybe it's because a part of me that has been giving a fck about so many things my brain could not comprehend. 

There are some parts of the book that I personally can relate. There are lots of them that I could not agree cause my mind goes like, what the f this book even saying now?. But overall, it's a good read cause there are some lines that I highlighted along the way indicating that in fact, this book makes sense to me in some ways. 

I did not read this book in order of the table of content. I just read the chapter that I could relate to at the moment of me reading it. I literally brought this book everywhere I go. A couple cafe visits, a bunch of lunch sets, 8 flights, and one after jogging session later, I finally finished this book. Took me so long but I'm glad I could finish this. The final chapter, actually resonated with me a lot. It makes me think about a lot of things. About death, the feeling of gratefulness, about life, and how I've been leading my life all these times. It actually even gives me chill a bit.
'They say that a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa can cause a hurricane in Florida; well, what hurricanes will you leave in your wake?'
This particular line got me like, damn. What have I been doing with my life?

I could recommend this book for people who's in need of a good big slap on the face about not to give a fck about everything and actually start to choose what to give a fck to. But I must say that you have to bear the pretentious tone this book gives out and put it aside to actually fully get what it says.