May 9, 2015

[Throwback] Book Review: Becoming Calder (A Sign of Love series) by Mia Sheridan

Becoming Calder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Get a copy here!

I feel like sharing some of my old reviews here today!
So I take some of those of my best favorite books from Goodreads and post it up here. You might find this review a bit awkward because this came from that days when I first started reviewing. But I do some 'polishing' so I guess it looks less like crap now... ;)

Oh why there are only five stars because some certain really good books deserve more than five stars, they deserve millions of those stars! Just like this book!
"Where do you find your strength, Morning Glory?""From you".
So, Becoming Calder is the first ever book from Mia Sheridan that I've read. And this book is... OH. MY. GOD. Truthfully, I read this book without even reading any blurbs of this book or the short synopsis or anything. I just decided to read this book simply because of the cover and the title. Especially the title. Well, that small words under the big title, yes, that 'A Sign Of Love novel' intrigued me. I don't know why, it just did and I am grateful for that.
Becoming Calder is a love story between Calder and Eden that inspired by greek mythology of Aquarius sign. They met for the first time in Acadia, somewhere on Arizona whose people belongs to a religious cult that believe in gods and is led by a cult leader. Okay, usually I begin my review by retelling the brief story of the book but this time I think I'm not going to do that without sounding strange. I know some people are not really into mythology-related kind of book and I might just make it worse by my lame retelling ability. But I just want people to know that this book is way more than just an inspired-by-myth. It has really passionate romance feels and is definitely worth-reading.
I was having a little problem at the beginning because I didnt really read the blurbs of this book so I tried to grasp the story to know where it led me into. I was kind of surprised that the book included this 'cult' aspect then more surprised because the modern life (I mean the non-cult way of living) was there too. I was really curious about this people living in Acadia, like, heck, I couldnt even imagine if there's actually one like that in real life. But Mia wrote this book really beautifully that I didnt even have time to feel weird about this cult aspect but more focusing on the hero and heroine and their sweet and full-of-barriers love story. I loved how Mia became so detail in describing living in Acadia, how it was actually there was a modern life outside of Acadia that the cult leader made it sounds like sinners' world, how she covered it all with this thin mystery veil of this strangeness. I really loved Calder and Eden's characters. I could feel the passionate love between them. Even their simple interactions spark loves! Mia has this thing with words that mesmerized me chapter to chapter.

I'd know that voice anywhere. I'd know that voice in the midst of a thousand clanging symbols, or in the deep darkness of a never-ending cave. It moved inside me.
"I know you in the dark, just as I know you under the bright daytime sun. I'll know you in Elysium, and in any other place the gods deem to send me for loving you. I'm not afraid."
One thing for sure: This book overwhelmed me. I never met a book with this complex aspects blended into one romance book. Yes, I met so many romance books with various theme that came along with it but I never met a contemporary romance novel with astrological greek legend inspiration. Really original and unique! And not to forget, the romance is the sweetest!
"If I were just a boy, and you were just a girl. I wouldn't kiss you once like you asked"
I loved this book! 
Awestruck-can-not-move-on-after-finished kind of love.
Mia is really genius who knows when to fill the romance feels in between the desperation and knows when to stop torture us with the awful condition of the characters and sure knows when not to ruin the beautiful moments of Calder and Eden. I really enjoyed reading this despite the cliffhanger in the end of the book but whatever, I'm reading Finding Eden now! I'm so going to read other books from A Sign Of Love after this couple!

p.s. Oh and I really liked all the small trivia I got to learn from this book, yes, those with constellation and penguin and especially Morning Glory. Really sweet! :)
"A morning glory is a beautiful flower, delicate like. Blue, just like your eyes."
"'s not just a flower. It's also a weed, totally invasive. Stronger than it looks."
Morning Glory.

As beautiful as a flower. A strong as a weed.
Love, read, and review,
Cynthia D.


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